Reiki for Witches - A Multi-Purpose Holistic Tool For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers, by Dr. Isis Day - edited by Marie Guillaumes. From the book &ndash - &lsquo -Reiki for Witches&rsquo - by Isis Day - &ldquo -We &ndash - Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers &ndash - are healers and thus naturally drawn to the healing Arts and Sciences, whether conventional or alternative. - I consider Reiki a gentle unobtrusive part, expression or practice of Magic safely used in a new world where the old Pagan ways are frowned at and the practice of Witchcraft could attract dangerous and life-threatening antagonism if unwittingly done openly.&rdquo - ' -Reiki for Witches - A Multi-Purpose Holistic Tool For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers,' - is an expository thesis which discusses Reiki as an alternative type of healing practice, and looks at its significance within the context of Metaphysics, Pagan and New Age practices. - It examines the key techniques associated with this Energy healing process which allows Reiki Practitioners to help themselves and others, thus healing the Inner Person through the use of the Universal Life Force or Magic. Dr. Isis Day is a Witch. - She is also a Spiritual/Holistic Practitioner, a Reiki Level III Master, a Vegan, a Spiritual Counselor, a Chaplain, a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Musician, with a doctorate degree in Pastoral Counseling Psychology. She&rsquo -s also the author of some other books, namely - &lsquo -Joan of Arc - A Role Model For Witches...,&rsquo - &lsquo -Witches Unite!&rsquo - and &lsquo -Magic Is God.&rsquo - - She resides in Houston, Texas. (Book / Paperback) - -(Price - USD 6.95 + S/H)... --- listed via Online Ads on LinkWagon: Books, Magazines, Textbooks
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